Saturday, October 12, 2013

Long-day Plant

A long-day plant is exactly what it sounds like. It is a plant that doesn’t need a lot of darkness. These plants tend to thrive in the summer when the days are long. Lettuce is a long-day plant.

Adaptation of an Animal

A squirrel has a bushy tail for balance, long claws for climbing, and sharp teeth for opening nuts. All of these are adaptations the squirrel has to help it survive better in its environment.


A population is a group of organism of one species that interbreed and live in the same place at the same time. The fish in this picture are a population.

Gymnosperm Leaf

Gymnosperms are plants in which the seeds are produced in open organs such as the cones on pine trees rather than inside fruit as with an apple. These pine needles are examples of gymnosperm leaves.

Lipids Used for Energy Storage

Lipids are a fatty or waxy organic compound that s readily soluble in non-polar solutions. Oil, such as the olive oil, is a lipid used for energy storage in animals.


A lichen is a simple slow-growing plant that typically forms a low crustlike, leaflike, or branching growth on rocks, walls, and trees. This moss is an example of a lichen.

Modified Leaf of a Plant

All plants adapt to best survive their environment. In this picture the modification is thorns on the edge of the leaf because the thorns provides protection for the plant against predators.


A niche is a habitat where an organism has everything it needs to survive. In this niche the organism is able to thrive because it has food, water, and a safe shelter. The niche in this photo is a spider and its web.


A pollinator is the biotic agent that moves pollen from the male anthers of a flower to the female stigma of a flower to accomplish fertilization. A bee is an example of a pollinator, which you can see on this flower.


Organisms that grow exponentially in order to keep the population growing. Some characteristics of R-strategists are that they develop rapidly, high mobility, and have high reproduction rates compared to K-strategist organisms. Some examples of R-strategist organisms are mice, rabbits, mosquitos, ants, fish, krill, weeds, and bacteria.

Genetically Modified Organism

The photo above is of a tomato, which have been genetically modified to last longer. An advantage is that the food does not rot and it makes the lives of farmers a lot easier. A disadvantage is that they used to have antibiotic resistance; the essence of the tomato gets changed.


Parasitism is a type of non mutual relationship between organisms of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host. In this example the bug that is eating the leaf is the parasite because he is getting the nutrient he needs from the leaf. While the leaf, which is the host, is being destroyed and dying.


Mushrooms are examples of basidiomycetes, which are a type of fungi that bear sexually reproduced spores on a basidium.

Epithelial Tissue

Epithelial tissue is the membranous tissue covering internal organs and other internal surfaces of the body. This is a picture of my cousin`s arm which is covered in such tissue.

Connective Tissue

Connective tissue is a kind of tissue that binds, connects, supports, or separates other tissues or organs. Cartilage, such as the kind found in my cousin`s nose, is a type of connective tissue.

C4 Plants

C4 plants are plants that produce the 4-carbon compound oxalocethanoic (oxaloacetic) acid as the first stage of photosynthesis. Sugar cane is an example of a C4 plant.

C3 Plant

A C3 plant is a plant that produces the 3-carbon compound phosphoglyceric acid as the first stage of photosynthesis. A potato grows on a C3 plant.

Gynmosperm Cone

A gymnosperm is a vascular plant having seeds that are in cones like the pine cone pictured.


Hydrophilic means to have a tendency to mix with, dissolve in, or be wetted by water. Salt is hydrophilic, for example, I mixed salt in a glass of water.


Hydrophobic means to not have a tendency to mix with, dissolve in, or be wetted by water. Oil is hydrophobic, for example, I mixed olive oil in a glass of water.


A heterotroph is an organism that desires its nutritional requirements from complex organic structures. All animals, such as my cat, are heterotrophs.

Krebs Cycle

The Krebs cycle is a complex series of chemical reactions in all cells that utilize oxygen as a part of their respiration process. This plant goes through the Krebs cycle.


K-Strategists are organisms that produce a small number of offspring's at a time and protect them. Dogs are an example of a k-strategist.


Meristem is the undifferentiated tissue from which new cells are formed at the tip or root. This tree has meristem in its roots.

Amniotic Egg

Chickens give birth through eggs which contain amniotes inside for nutrients for their young.

Adaptation of a Plant

Plant adaptation is a plant changing in order to survive better in their environment. This plant has grown thorns in order to keep it from being eaten.